Private Feldenkrais Sessions

In-person and online

Feldenkrais with Yuka

Stability, dignity and comfort for body, mind and life.

Uncover unconscious movement patterns that create and hold your pain. And then, with this understanding, explore new, non-habitual movements that offer a path to greater comfort, improved quality of movement and well-being.

Feel into habitual thinking patterns that trigger stress and spark uncomfortable emotions. Reorganize the connections between your body, your thoughts and your feelings to experience new patterns that support inner calm, resilience and confidence. 

Learn to recognize when unconscious effort disrupts the flow of your process. Noticing the relationships within your body’s structure and experimenting with non-habitual connections transforms unconscious effort into an integrated and refined practice of greater ease and grace.

Feldenkrais Method, a mind-and-body–based practice rooted in neuroplasticity, quickly and reliably resets your nervous system.

The heart of your session

Each session is designed to deepen the relationship between how you move, how you think and how you feel. From the way you take part in the day-to-day movements and tasks of everyday life, to how you use your memory and language, to how you express emotions, to the way you live into your relationships with the people you love.

To begin your session
We’ll take time to talk together. 

Hearing about your concerns and what you most want to experience as a result of our work together will help me guide you as you explore movement patterns by recognizing your habitual patterns and integrating new movement into your daily life. 

During your session
When we meet, whether in-person or online, we’ll focus on slow, mindful movements, and I’ll ask questions that will help you notice the quality of your movement and what you are sensing, feeling and thinking as you move.

This allows you to notice how you initiate your movements and how you maintain patterns of movement that restrict you

At the close of your session
We’ll take time to talk in-depth about what you noticed and experienced.

This allows us to explore how to connect your discoveries and experiences into your daily life to meet your desired goal while offering insight for planning our next session together. 

Pricing (45-60 min)

1 session         3 sessions        5 sessions

$90 USD        $240                $375

In-person Private Feldenkrais Sessions

Bellevue Office:
2223 112th Ave NE #201, Bellevue, WA 98004

Office Hours:
Wednesdays: 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. (By appointment only)

Sessions are also available in my Snohomish County home studio.
Contact me for details and scheduling.   

If you have any questions about private Feldenkrais sessions or want to find out if they’re right for you,
visit my FAQ page or contact me for a personalized 15-minute consultation.

I’m happy to talk with you.

Sensations recovered and spirits lifted
“Before I began working with Yuka, I felt isolated and emotionally removed because my Parkinson’s symptoms had greatly increased. I wanted to feel connected physically and mentally with the world again. Feldenkrais sessions with Yuka have helped me recover sensations in my body and, in the process, have lifted my spirits. I am happier and optimistic, reconnected with the world and my body.” 

— Chris, Washington 
Living with Parkinson’s disease

Unblocked grief and access to sadness
“Thank you for your session working with the dominant hand. My left hand was ‘frozen’ after a near-death experience with Covid and a stroke in October 2021. This was such an emotional experience, and I felt it in all my left-hand fingers. For the first time I was so touched by my sadness and tears. 

For months I had been wishing I could cry; however, my high blood pressure medication seemed to block it. Today in your session I found something entirely different, and I felt so connected to my sadness and tears.

Thank you very much, and I hope you will help many people with your session working with the dominant hand.”

 — Imelda de Smet-Kessels, France
Post-Covid sequelae and stroke 

An easy way to get grounded and present.

Get an occasional note from Yuka that includes a mini movement-based lesson to help you get grounded and present. You'll also receive periodic tips, announcements and invitations to work together.