Feldenkrais Session

If you are new to Feldenkrais sessions, you probably have questions about what to expect. These are the questions I get asked most often. 

  • The private Feldenkrais sessions I offer are especially effective for people who want …  

    ▸▸  relief from chronic pain, orthopedic-related pain, traumatic pain, neuropathy and migraine

     ▸▸  supportive care for living with neurological disorders such as stroke (including swallowing, vision and speech impairments), Parkinson's disease, MS, traumatic brain injury and cerebral palsy

    Although I specialize in chronic conditions and neurological disorders, I also offer Feldenkrais sessions to help people who want … 

    ▸▸  resilience and restored confidence when anxious, stressed, depressed or living with PTSD

    ▸▸  a conscious process for developing skills and creativity
        (for babies, children and adults)

    ▸▸  breakthroughs in performing arts and sports

    Feldenkrais sessions are based on the Feldenkrais Method® and the research in physics, neuroscience, biomechanics, learning theory and human development by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, the founder of this method. You can learn more about his work and study on the Feldenkrais Guild website.

  • Over the years, people with chronic conditions have told me that Feldenkrais helped them in deeply comforting — and sometimes surprising — ways. 

    Peaceful, restorative sleep replaced restless, pain-filled nights. Muscle tension was released as people learned to change their habitual patterns of gripping the steering wheel, hunching over a computer, clenching their teeth or holding their breath.

    Those with unexplained symptoms, such as twitching eyes and tingling or numb arms, legs, hands and feet (often the aftereffects of car accidents or sports injuries), found their discomfort alleviated.

    Others were surprised to uncover the specific location of their pain and discovered new pathways for relief. 

    Feldenkrias for chronic conditions translates into something more than “less pain and greater ease of movement.” It offers a return to a sense of flow and purpose and connection in people’s lives.

  • I’ve witnessed remarkable changes in my Feldenkrais practice. Rigid muscles became more flexible. Control and coordination improved, and daily tasks required less effort.

    Twinkling eyes and smile lines replaced a Parkinson's mask, transforming nonverbal and verbal communication. A painful or shuffling gait was restored to a more typical walking pattern.

    Humor and sociability returned, anxiety was diminished, confidence and a sense of safety were revived. People reconnected with themselves, their loved ones and the world around them.

  • ▸▸ Online sessions

    When we meet online for sessions,I will verbally guide you through a series of slow, mindful movements designed specifically for you to help you discover what your body needs in order to meet your desired goals. 

     ▸▸ In-person sessions

    During in-person sessions,gentle touch provides most of the guidance. I’ll ask questions to help you create a quiet presence that allows you to tend to the connections between your movement, your thoughts and your senses.

    ▸▸ You can learn more details about the sessions by visiting the Sessions page

  • Most of the people I work with choose to schedule weekly at first.

    You can schedule your sessions to fit your needs and schedule.

  • The benefits of private Feldenkrais sessions are typically experienced in 5 to 10 sessions. 

    Many of my clients choose to build on their progress together over longer periods of time, connecting them even more deeply with how they are moving, thinking, sensing and feeling.

  •  ▸▸ Loose, comfortable clothing in light layers

     ▸▸ A yoga mat

    ▸▸ A towel or pillow

    ▸▸ A chair for occasional sitting sessions

  • Unfortunately, health insurance plans do not cover Feldenkrais sessions. 

  • You may choose to purchase your sessions one at a time or as a package.

    Whether online or in person … 

    1 session         3 sessions        5 sessions

    $90 USD         $240                $375

    Approximately 45 minutes for each session. 

    If you purchase a package, refunds will not be available after you complete the first session.  

  • ▸▸ Online sessions: Schedule and pay online using a credit card. The scheduling buttons on the Sessions page will guide you through choosing a day, time and completing your payment.

    ▸▸ In-person sessions: You can pay online or at the end of the session using cash, check, credit card or Zelle. If you schedule online, you must enter your credit card to reserve your time, but the scheduling page offers 3 options: pay when scheduling, pay later or pay at the session.

  • You can reschedule or cancel anytime 24 hours before your scheduled session. 

    If you need to reschedule or cancel your scheduled session on the same day, please contact me immediately. 

  • If you do not cancel or reschedule your appointment with at least 24 hours’ notice, a charge of 50% of the service amount will be incurred on your credit card.

  • Don’t hesitate to contact me. I’ll be in touch within 48 hours on a business day.

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