Feldenkrais® Awareness Summit 2020


On May 1st, thousands of people around the world will lie down and do a Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® lesson ONLINE. We will feel and sense the beauty of moving together to change our lives and the world for the better! Over 35 experts from the oversea in movement and wellbeing will be our speakers/teachers.

If you have been wondering what difference between Feldenkrais movement and exercise/somatic movement, this Summit will be a great opportunity for you to explore your inquiries.

I will also be part of the 2020 Feldenkrais Awareness Summit for “1 Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) Lesson into 23 different languages.” I will be teaching “Arching Your Back” lesson in Japanese (30-min length in AUDIO). You will explore your journey by taking the same ATM lesson in different languages!

I hope you will enjoy your new “Aha” moment via this Summit at your favorite time and place!


Visit this Summit by clicking below button!

5月1日に Feldenkrais® Awareness Summit 2020 がオンラインを通じ全世界に開催されます。“フェルデンクライスって何だろう?” “フェルデンクライスの動きとエクササイズって何が違うの?”という疑問を“動き”の様々な分野のエキスパートのトークやレッスンを通じ、「なるほど!」と体感していただけるかもしれません。

Awareness Through Lifeのイワモト ユカも今回オーディオのAwareness Through Movement®(ATM)レッスン (30分) を日本語担当で参加させていただいております。同じATM®レッスンを日本語の他に英語も含め22ヶ国の言語で受けることができます。多国語で同じATM®レッスンを受けるのもこのSummitならではの楽しみとなるかと思います。



Visit this Summit by clicking below button!


Functional Integration ~What is "touch" to us? ~