How is Feldenkrais Method different from therapeutic modalities?
When we want to improve our performance or physical condition such as chronic pain, do we feel like we’re doing something wrong with or without a reason? Do we seek an advice from an expert? When we share our goal with others, do we want to be guided by them?
I would like to introduce how Feldenkrais Method is different from therapeutic modalities by sharing my experiences as being a patient and treating people as a PT assistant and a certified athletic trainer.
I personally experienced facial pain on the left side for a long time and nobody was able to figure out what was wrong with my facial pain. As I was curious about Feldenkrais Method, I started to see a PT who is also a Feldenkrais practitioner to explore my facial pain as well as experience the method. One day during the lesson, I suddenly noticed my jaw was shifted to left. So I paid attention to my jaw when I was working because the pain usually appeared at work. Surprisingly, I found out how I was shifting my jaw while I was working! I gently shifted my jaw to the other way with my fingers and noticed how the pain was gradually relieved. Since I noticed my habit of shifting jaw to left, the pain completely disappeared. Years later, this experience had invited me to study about Feldenkrais Method.
As I see athletes/patients from my professional careers, I have noticed how they have returned to have a therapy session over and over again with a different reason. This phenomenon can be commonly seen both in outpatient and inpatient settings. So I started to realize how important it is for patients/athletes to connect their therapy session with their life in order to grow “self-awareness” of what they are doing. By educating and connecting them to their awareness of what they are doing during a therapy session as well as their life, I strongly believe it has been improving their quality of life and preventing future injuries as well as diseases. Now I completed 2nd year of Feldenkrais Method training and continue believing how growing “self-awareness” through physical movement is important.
When we struggle with chronic pain, we seek for an expert to figure out what is wrong with us to feel better and live comfortably because of our inclination to identify the cause of “problem.” When we see an expert, he/she may educate us what is wrong with the pain and how to relieve the pain. We may follow what the expert recommends us. We may feel better but when the pain comes back to us again, we may start to look for another expert to figure out the pain again. This cycle may go several times for few weeks, months or years until we start to get tired and/or discontinued seeking the reason.
We may seek for a quick solution or an effective treatment but before we go to this cycle, why don’t we have a break to think “why?” or say “I have an issue because of this”? But instead, why don’t we start to explore “what we are doing” through physical movement to grow our self-awareness?
Feldenkrais Method is NOT a therapeutic modality to TREAT our physical condition and CORRECT an issue but to help us to learn WHAT WE ARE DOING through gentle physical movement to improve our health, mood and ability to overcome difficulties such as life/athletic performance, range of motion, coordination, pain, anxiety etc...
Since our lifespan has been getting longer, how would we like to move ourselves and live our life? If we know what we are doing, we will find the way we want. I hope Feldenkrais Method will be helping us in another way of thinking, feeling, sensing and moving better!