Improving in Voice with Feldenkrais Method

Have you ever paid attention to your “voice” when you’re singing or communicating with others? For example, when you sing high notes, does your whole body sense the sound without putting effort to your vocal cords? How do you sense the quality of your voice? How does your voice go smoothly to hit high notes? What do you sense at your chest when you sing low notes? What is the shape of your mouth and your facial expression when you sing?

How is the quality of your voice tone (high pitched voice vs. low pitched voice or soft voice vs. hard voice etc...) with and without confidence during public speaking? How would your voice be produced from your body and what would be the most effective way to produce your voice?

Singing in choir has been the part of my life since when I was in the 4th grade but I was not quiet sure how to produce my voice without putting effort especially singing high notes. I used to hurt my vocal cords often through my childhood until few years ago when I talked and sang too much as well as caught a cold. During singing, I used to sense lots of increased muscle tone especially around my neck which resulted in hurting my vocal cords. Now throughout my Feldenkrais training journey, I started to learn how to maintain my voice healthy.

After taking few Awareness Through Movement (ATM) lessons throughout my Feldrankrais training program, one day I noticed a significant change in my voice tone. In order to produce my voice effectively, I needed to make a process of increasing my awareness in inhalation by sensing and feeling the initiation of my chest and abdominal movement. As the result, I was able to fill my expanded rib cage fully. In other words, my voice tone was significantly changed when I waited to produce voice until spontaneous expansion of my rib cage occurred by paying attention to the initiation of my inhalation.

My learning process of voice production became more clear when I received FI (=Functional Integration, one on one session) from my Feldenkrais trainer. After the session, I sensed and heard a different quality of “sound” from the outside of my body. I was very refined. My chest was more upright in a natural way as my feet were more organized and grounded. While I was deeply connected to my body skeletally. I had “Aha” moment to realize how the organization of feet links to a change in the space of rib cage and the quality of voice as a result of more airflow.

Since ATM lesson is only conducted by verbal instructions, I have become interested in learning to improve quality of my voice tone during the lesson as well as communicating with others. So I just started to take a voice training from a professional Soprano singer. At the beginning of my lesson with her, she mentioned “while a craftman builds an instrument in order to produce a beautiful sound, a singer would need to have a process to make a sound by organizing our body.” I was so fascinated to learn what she said because the experiences of my ATM lessons finally made a sense to me!

During ATM lesson, we start with small movement first to make the impossible movement possible and the possible movement easy and finally explore the easy elegant movement. Throughout my journey of Feldenkrais Method training, I have been exploring potential of my “voice” to enjoy my singing. I’m not sure how soon I can offer but hopefully I would be able to make a series of ATM lessons for singers to improve their performance. This would be my new goal before I graduate from the training program.







更に「声の質の変化」に対しての気づきは深まりました。ある日フェルデンクライスのトレーニングの先生からFI(=Functional Integration手技で行うレッスン)を受けた後、今まで感じたことのない「音」を身体の外から感じました。心身共に浄化され、とても清々しい光景と共に、とても不思議な感覚を体感しました。いつもとは違う足の感覚から身体全身の骨が心地好く整い、自然に胸が前に出ていると気づいた時、ずっと疑問に思っていた「声の質の変化」と「肋骨」の関係性が「足」を通して一つの糸に繋がりました。上記で述べた歌う前に呼吸の意識を向ける前にどの様に立っているか、重心をかけているかと「足」に意識を向けてあげる事で、自然に胸が広がり、結果沢山の空気が身体に入り「声の質の変化」へと繋がっていくと体感しました。





Improving Human Functioning ~Awareness of Body and Mind Unity with Feldenkrais Method~


Blooming a Power of Creativity in Our 2021!