Blooming a Power of Creativity in Our 2021!
In 2020, our life was dramatically changed via COVID-19 pandemic. The most drastic change in our lifestyle was probably the establishment of “social distancing” in order to minimize spread of COVID-19. Although I wrote about the impact of “social distancing” in my June blog “Functional Integration, what is touch to us?,” disconnecting with people via “social distancing” has affected our self awareness as well as vitality in this moment. I have also experienced losing my vitality during this pandemic. However, today I would like to introduce my two profound events which have awaken my vitality by blooming a power of creativity in my heart!
The first event was during the last Halloween season. Due to the pandemic, my family decided to just take a walk around enjoying the neighbors’ Halloween decorations when the outside got darker. My son wore my handmade ghost costume while he was disappointed going out without a candy basket this year. Once when we got outside, one of our neighbors put a table at their front porch and a handwritten paper was posted on the edge of the table saying “Please sanitize your hands and grab a candy from this basket. Happy Halloween!” The owner of other neighbors dressed up Halloween costume and she provided candies via her handmade candy chute to trick-or-treaters while they were maintaining “social distancing” and “contact-free.” I was so shocked and fascinated to see this welcoming atmosphere. Their creativity as well as hospitality awakened my vitality. At the same time I felt a strong “connection” with people within this “social distancing” (thank you so much to such a great our neighborhood!!).
The second event occurred during my Feldenkrais Method training during the last Fall. Due to this pandemic, our trainers spent lots of hours to make a new learning plan for us to continue proceeding our study. Thus, this time of training was conducted via online and we learned Feldenkrais materials in unique ways. One of activities asked us to teach Awareness Through Movement (ATM) lesson to our classmates. Three of us were assigned as a group and taught a lesson related to our activities.
The most fascinating thing about ATM lesson is that each ATM teacher has a different way to teach the lesson. After taking my classmates’ lessons, I enjoyed what “creativity” is by sensing and feeling through my physical movement. Once my body awareness became clear, I felt like a beautiful flower just bloomed in my heart. I was very excited with this feeling. This feeling inspired me to start brainstorming my 3rd series of Zoom Japanese ATM lesson called “Blooming a Power of Creativity” which will start from January 27th this year.
Our life has been changed dramatically since the beginning of 2020. Our life and relationship with others may be restricted due to this pandemic. As the result, we may feel lonely or depressed. However, within this circumstance, we may have a great opportunity to utilize ourselves by thinking and being creative so that we make a small step little by little. This process may bring us to be present and awaken our vitality to live our life better in 2021 during this pandemic! Let’s start thinking and bringing the power of “creativity” into our life! This is how we will experience during Awareness Through Movement Lessons via Feldenkrais Method!
感染予防対策の為、私達の生活に変化が起こり、行動範囲や人との距離・働き方に制限があったり、時には心が沈んだりするかもしれません。でも、この様な状況の中だからこそ、自分達の頭で考え・知恵を出し、“工夫”をして小さな新しい一歩を創り出す。私達の暮らしはそういうプロセスから愉しみが生まれるのではないでしょうか? フェルデンクライスレッスンの一つのコンセプトである“小さな身体の動き”から今回のZoomモニターレッスンを通して皆さんと一緒に「愉しみ」そして個々の中で素敵な創造力が「パッ」と花のように身体・心の中で咲く瞬間を感じていただけたら、と願っております