Feeling the Floor, Connecting Yourself ~Flexibility of Body and Mind~

I will teach a series of Japanese ATM lessons from June 9th to July 7th (2021), called “Feeling the Floor, Connecting Yourself ~Flexibility of Body and Mind~.” The element of this series is composed by child development as known as “Baby Lessons” in Feldenkrais world while Feldenkrais Method is a movement based “learning process” (e.g., finding a way to improve performance or pain/limitations in one’s own way with ease and comfort). Two questions might arise: 1) how is child development related to human development?” and 2) how is each of our learning process during child development related to our current learning process/life?”

At the beginning of our life from birth to the age of two, the majority of us learns to stand and balance and then advances to walking on two feet. We also begin to speak and learn to coordinate ourselves and connect with others while there is a strong connection between the development of the motor, emotional and social elements during the first few months of our life. Moshe Feldenkrais, a pioneer of Feldenkrais Method, stated “time presses on in growth and anything not attempted in its own time may remain dormant for the rest of the learner’s life.” Developmental neuroscience research also states that synaptic connections are eliminated if they are not activated. Now how is our current movement related to our learning process/life if we miss pieces of our learning process in the early child development?

A connection between chronic adult back pain and missing elements during early child development has been reported by Chava Shelhav, Phd, who is one of influential Feldenkrais practitioners in the world, a founder of “Child Space” and collaborated in the late Professor Esther Thelen’s research in infant motor development. She had a client who suffered from a chronic back pain who could not stand upright at all and had very little sense of himself. It means that the client was not aware of where his limbs were in space, could not identify or locate his body parts such as shoulder blades, had no clear image of his body and also had no awareness of gradation in the sensation. She worked on inviting him to learn feeling himself, to make a connection with his body parts and understand the interaction between them. This client also described his childhood that he did not like sports and never participated in any games. His social life was stunted and unsatisfactory while he also reported that he was an extremely clumsy child. After Chava and this client worked together through all the phases of baby lesson via ATM (active body movement on a mat) and FI (hands on) lessons, his back pain dissipated, his posture improved tremendously and his social life became more satisfying. He also learned to love himself and to love moving! Chava summarized that he was able to have the opportunity to fill in the blanks created by undeveloped factors during the crucial first two years of his life as he acquired his new self image.

As I had been struggling how to introduce “Baby Lessons” to the public with better expression, Chava’s findings have inspired me to make this series possible! Over the five weeks, we will explore to learn to feel and sense our body and mind through breathing, mind flexibility by rolling our body, body flexibility via baby crawling, body and mind flexibility by rolling to sit and finally to connect ourselves by feeling the floor and exploring our “flexibility.” Let’s play the missing puzzle together on the floor!

床を感じる、自分をつなぐ ~からだとこころの柔軟性~

2021年6月9日から始まる第4回ZoomATMモニターレッスンシリーズのテーマは【床を感じる、自分をつなぐ ~からだとこころの柔軟性~】です。今回のレッスンシリーズはフェルデンクライスメソッドの中でもとても重要な「ベイビーレッスン=乳児・幼児の運動発達」シリーズを基に創らさせていただきました。フェルデンクライスメソッドでは「動き・行動」を通し自らの成長を自分で導いていく術を学んでいく中(例 歌や踊りのパフォーマンスを高める、ストレス・痛みや困難な状況を自分にとって心地のよい方向へと自らが導き改善するなど)、今回のテーマを創る過程で二つの事に重点を置きました:1) 乳児・幼児の運動発達過程がどのように人間の成長過程と関係しているのか? 2) 私達それぞれが経験してきた運動発達過程がどの様に成人した私達の暮らしや「動き・行動」と繋がっているのか?




*ハバ・シェルハブ博士 (1940~) フェルデンクライス博士の最初の弟子の一人でもあり、フェルデンクライスメソッドの世界的な指導者の一人。乳児・幼児の運動能力開発の研究や独自の手法「チャイルドスペース ~子供の発達を見守り、後押しをするための新しい手法~」の指導を世界各地で精力的に取り組んでいる。


Chava Shelhav, PhD. Filling in the Blanks: From unformed awareness to informed awareness. Retrieved from https://childspacemethod.com/filling-in-the-blanks-from-unformed-awareness-to-informed-awareness/

Shelhav Method Japan. What is Shelhav Method? Retrieved from http://shelhav-method-matsue.jp/shelhav-method/


Practice “Attention” and “Awareness” into Life with Feldenkrais Method


Improving Human Functioning ~Awareness of Body and Mind Unity with Feldenkrais Method~