Practice “Attention” and “Awareness” into Life with Feldenkrais Method
What is a difference between “attention” and “awareness” when we’re learning a new skill? They are different. A definition of “attention” is that we are present and deeply listening and asking to ourselves such as we pay “attention” to what we are doing (e.g. talking, cooking, singing, working etc...). In contrast, “awareness” is our outcomes/experiences of how we are doing from our attention of what we are doing.
We all can practice how to increase our attention and awareness with Feldenkrais Method because one of lessons focuses to move our body with ease and comfort on a mat by constantly listening and asking ourselves how we move, sense, feel and think, hence this lesson is called “Awareness Through Movement” (ATM).
Movement is our physical movement but our life as well. Thus, by practicing “attention” and “awareness,” we can unleash ourselves from our habitual patterns and then explore a new way to move and live better. Here is some experiments to explore how to practice “attention” and “awareness” into our life: 1) walk with normal speed 2) walk 10 times slower with bare feet and 3) walk normal speed again.
How’s your experience? Were you surprised, comfortable or uncomfortable by walking slowly? Which way is your body connected more such as sensing the movement of your breath (holding the breath? shallow or deep?), arms (swings more), hips/pelvis (rotating more) and/or feet (more grounded)?
By increasing our awareness, we learn how and what we want to move better. When we find a way to move with ease and comfort, our creativity as well as vitality will come along with it too. In this way, we unleash ourselves and create a new pattern to move and live better.
If we are having difficulty to experience these on a mat, another Feldenkrais Method lesson called “Functional Integration=FI” (Feldenkrais practitioner’s hands on session) can help to increase our “attention” and “awareness.”
As I have been preparing for my FI practicum next year, I have been practicing my FI session with people from public. Recently I got a feedback from a person took my FI session last October that her foot corn was completely gone after the FI session. She mentioned that she was feeling that she would live with her foot corn forever as she had it over the past decades while no effective treatment was available for her before. We were so surprised and happy with her experience although in general FI session is not conducted for “treatment.”
So how did the FI session help her? As aforementioned, by increasing “attention” and “awareness” of her body, especially the foot in this case, sensation as well as weight distribution on the foot bones and muscles may have changed kinesthetically and neurologically. Thus, her habitual walking pattern may have changed, which may have led to reduced friction to her foot corn while our brain and nervous system store our history of what happened before. The corn possibly went away as a result.
It has been well known that there is no right or wrong answer when we explore Feldenkrais Method. Thus, many of us struggle to understand the concepts. However, this is the most different aspect of this method comparing to other type of therapies or body works because we connect to ourselves by reawaking and rewiring our nervous system with “attention” and “awareness” to move better and live better!
I have one more year to explore my Feldenkrais journey to become a practitioner! I would like to express my deep gratitude to people who have supported me to explore my learning journey in the past three years. I cannot proceed my tremendous learning process without them. Thank you so much!!
With respect,
Yuka Iwamoto
現在私はFunctional Integration (FI)というフェルデンクライスメソッドの手技の実技試験を受ける為、2021年11月まで一般の方々をお招きして手技の練習をしています(ご興味のある方はこちらにご連絡下さい)。私の手技の練習に去年の10月頃にお越しくださった方から先日、「おばあちゃんになるまで魚の目と一生付き合うと思っていたのに、レッスン後、何十年もあった足の魚の目がなくなったんだよ!?」と驚きの報告を受けました。過去に治療をしても魚の目の芯が取れず何十年も抱えていた問題だったそうです。
イワモト ユカ