Sleep Better with Feldenkrais Method
Do you want to improve quality of your sleep? I just did a survey to my Instagram followers and asked what they want to improve in their life. I found out that many people were interested in improving quality of their sleep. The length of their sleep was 6-hr on the average. Despite the result showing many of them were satisfied with their sleep, the survey outcomes indicated these people are also interested in improving quality of their sleep.
How is the quality of your sleep? How is the quality of your sleep when you wake up in the morning? Are you productive and/or awake during the daytime at work? How is your vitality during the daytime? Have you ever linked your tiredness to the quality of your sleep? More importantly, do you put lots of effort to sleep at the beginning of your sleep and/or the middle of your sleep?
Since I’ve become a mom, quality of my sleep has changed. I was aware that I wanted to improve quality of my sleep in the past few years. But I ignored it until I did the aforementioned surveys. By exploring how Feldenkrais Method can help you to improve quality of your sleep, I have noticed three important things: 1) increase attention to change your sleep environment, 2) increase attention in listening to your body and mind, and 3) increase attention to your small body movement in order to free your body and mind.
The most important thing for quality sleep would be turning off your electrical devices (e.g., PC, cell phone, tablet, TV etc…) 2-hr before you go to bed and ideally put them in another room if possible. Two reasons are explained physiologically and neurologically below:
Reason 1
When outside gets dark, you fall asleep. It naturally happens because sleep hormone, melatonin, is secreted more during the biological night. Your body is also preparing to fall asleep as your core temperature, pulse and blood pressure are dropped 2-hr before you go to sleep, coinciding with the release of melatonin.
Melatonin circadian rhythm is affected and melatonin synthesis is also inhibited by exposure of light. If you use the electrical devices before you go to sleep, the release of melatonin would be suppressed from the exposure of blue light emitted by electronics. Thus, quality of your sleep may be affected.
Reason 2
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, a Russian physiologist and a Nobel prize winner, discovered the conditioned response. Conditioned response is the learned response to the previously neutral stimulus. It was accidentally discovered from Pavlov’s study of salivation in dogs (known as Pavlov’s dog). He noticed that his dogs would begin to salivate whenever they heard the bell (conditioned stimulus) of his assistant who normally fed them rather than simply salivate in the presence of the food (unconditioned stimulus). The learned response was the dog’s salivation to the bell. This discovery has become one of the most widely employed models for the investigation of associative “learning and memory” and its neurobiological substrates. The concept of conditioned response can also apply to improve quality of your sleep. For example, if you use electrical devices in bed, your brain would learn that your bed is to use electrical devices rather than sleep/rest. Thus, quality of your sleep would be affected.
After you change your sleep environment, now you may want to pay attention in listening to your body and mind. One of the most common causes for poor quality quality sleep is “stress.” Each person may experience different stress from a different event such as environmental stressors, daily stress (e.g., physical activity, lost money, heavy traffic), life changes, workplace stressors, chemical stressors, social stressors and/or physiological stress etc…
Have you ever paid attention to the presence of your stress by sensing your body and feeling your mind before you go to bed? If you go to bed with one or few of combined stress together without “awareness”, probably you would just struggle falling asleep and your nervous system also would be affected. In fact, your body would have reversed response to “stress” like how your body naturally prepares for sleep. When your body and mind experience “stress,” your blood vessels will be contracted. Therefore, your heart rate and blood pressure will increase. Increased blood pressure will result in increasing circulation in the muscles. Hence, your brain will be more active. As the result, quality of your sleep will be affected such as you may be often awake during the middle of your sleep.
Stress may also affect the cycle of your sleep called “rapid eye movement (REM) sleep=sleep is not as deep due to active brain” and “non-REM sleep=sleep is deep due to relaxed brain and body.” If you go to bed with some types of stress, the cycle of your non-REM sleep would be shorter and your brain and body may not fully be relaxed. Thus, it would be very important to increase attention in listening to your body and mind.
If you are interested in learning how to increase attention to your small body movement to free your mind and body, I have made infographics of “Breath Awareness ~How Do You Breathe?” Breathing is a part of your body movement, so ask yourself how your breathing is different in the morning, during the middle of day and before you go to bed. Also ask yourself how your stress connects to your breath and how you can invite yourself to free your stress from your body and mind?
My sleep quality has tremendously improved by increasing my attention to these aforementioned elements in few weeks!! You can also learn few tips from my blog published in June 2021, How to Practice Your “Attention” and “Awareness” into Life with Feldenkrais Method.
I hope you will find your own way to sleep better!! Let’s stay healthy and enjoy our life with ease and comfort sleep!!
私自身、子育て前と比べ睡眠の質が随分と変わってきていることを実感しています。「睡眠の質をよくしたいなぁ」と思いつつも、あまり意識して睡眠の質を改善しようと行動していませんでした。ですが、今回アンケートの回答をいただいた中で、どのようにフェルデンクライス・メソッドを通して「快眠」へと繋げていけるかと調べていく中、3つのことに「意識」を向ける大切なことに気づきました:1) 快眠の環境づくりに意識を向ける 2) 身体と心をに意識を向ける そして、3) 身体の小さな動きに意識を向ける。
*3) の意識の育て方は今月7月のオーディオレッスン(月間ニュースレターの登録が必要です)にてご紹介させていただいております。
上記のことを踏まえた上で1) の「快眠の環境づくり」を整えた後、2) の「身体と心」に意識を向けていきます。睡眠の質を低下する一番の原因は「ストレス」と言われています。様々な角度からみていくとストレスは人によって異なってきます。例えば暮らし、仕事、対人関係などから生じる心身的なストレス、天候や物理的(暑さ・気圧・騒音)なことによるストレス、生理的(過労、病気、痛み)なストレスなどがあります。
Michael Krugman (2009). The Insomnia Solution: The Natural, Drug-Free Way to a Good Night's Sleep. Kindle Edition. Grand Central Publishing; Illustrated edition.
公認心理師による不眠症についての心理学 睡眠の質を向上させるコツ Retrieved from
ストレスについて Retrieved from