What Does Balance Mean to You?
When you hear “balance,” what does it mean to you? How do you sense or notice your balance during daily activity or playing sports? Is it coming from your feet or other parts of your body? When do you notice changes in your balance? How does your balance affect you and/or your life?
I started teaching another series of Zoom ATM lesson (5-wk) started from last Wed. The theme of lesson is to invite us to sense “body balance” each week via our small body movement including breathing, foot, hand, symmetric body part and pelvis. During our 1st week of the lesson, each of us discussed what “balance” means to us. Participants said “balance” is more stability sensing from her feet while others said their balance is “life balance.”
I made the series of the lesson because Feldenkrais is a method of “mind and body movement.” When people seek for a good balance, they may focus on improving physical balance and mental balance separately. I am not a psychologist but from my professional experiences as a Physical Therapist Assistant and a certified Athletic Trainer, I have seen when people struggle with physical balance, their body parts tend to close such as hands/fingers, elbows and/or knees. They also express fear of fall which is not only physically having a fall but also mentally falling apart because their balance is now out of their control for whatever reasons.
When you notice changes in your balance, what will happen if you shift your attention by asking the aforementioned questions at the beginning of this blog? You will be more present and will notice what you are doing and how you are feeling and sensing yourself. If we know what we are doing, we will be able to balance ourselves beautifully by freeing our body and mind!
“If you know what you are doing and even more importantly how you use yourself to act, you will be able to do things the way you want”
— Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984)—
先週9月23日から第2回Zoom ATMモニターレッスンが始まりました。合計5回のレッスンを通し“身体のバランス感覚”をレッスンごとに高めていきます。1週目の「呼吸の気づき」からレッスンは始まり、足、手、左右の身体そして骨盤の動きを通してレッスンの最終日を迎えます。1週目のレッスンの始めに受講者さん達に皆さんにとっての「バランス」についてお聞きしました。片足で立った時に感じるバランスや年齢や暮らしの変化に生じるバランスについて皆さんお話してくださいました。
バランス感覚の変化を感じた時、意識を“なぜ?”ではなく、上記に書いた質問をご自身に問いかけると、どの様な感覚が生まれるでしょうか? “今”を感じ、自分が何をしているのかを感じる・知る事で、バランス感覚を自分で整え、そして私達の「身体と心をもっと自由に!」してあげることができるのではないかと思い、今回のテーマをつくらさせていただきました。
—モーシェ・フェルデンクライス (1904-1984)—